On October 20, we had the opportunity to present our progress since the beginning of 2021 to reviewers of the Helmholtz Enterprise Program as part of our interim evaluation. We presented our achievements and plans for the future of Metis Neurotec. Thereby, we were able to convince the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers to continue funding us in the Helmholtz Enterprise Spin-Off Program.
Briefly about Helmholtz Enterprise:
“The Helmholtz Enterprise (HE) spin-off program promotes entrepreneurship and spin-off activities of scientists in the Helmholtz community. Since the establishment of Helmholtz Enterprise in 2005, 167 start-up projects (including HE Plus and FSF) have benefited from the initiative. Of these, more than 95 projects have been successfully founded, 83 percent of which are still operating in the market today.” – Helmholtz Enterprise
We as Metis Neurotec still have a lot to do and are continuously building our startup thanks to the Helmholtz Enterprise Program.