Metis Neurotec

METIS in Frankfurt

On 22.03.2023, the networking meeting of the BMBF funding measures “Gründungen: Innovative Start-ups for Human-Technology Interaction” (START MTI) and “START-interactive: Interactive Technologies for Health and Quality of Life” (START-i) took place.

With START, the BMBF aims to strengthen the innovation potential of start-ups in cutting-edge research on interactive technologies for health and quality of life. For this purpose, the opportunities for founding start-ups of suitable research teams are to be promoted at an early stage and in a targeted manner already at universities.

Therefore, all three founders, Markus Schinle, Marius Gerdes and Simon Stock, made their way to Frankfurt early in the morning. The day kicked off with three workshops on the topics of investor readiness, validation and approval of medical products.

After a short refreshment, the event continued with two poster sessions. In a 5-minute pitch, the three founders were able to present METIS and collect feedback. The presentation focused on the concept and the presentation of the first implementations of the patient app. After the presentation, the audience had four minutes to pester us with questions.

In addition to pitching our own project, Markus Schinle, Marius Gerdes and Simon Stock had the opportunity to listen to the other nearly 20 projects presented. The presentations offered many innovative ideas and different approaches to solutions, some of which could serve as suggestions for the further development of METIS.

In the afternoon, the three of them joined for the final presentation of Annika’s bachelor thesis. Annika’s final presentation was a complete success and we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on her Bachelor’s degree. Annika’s thesis fits seamlessly into the more than 15 theses that METIS has offered in cooperation with Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT).

METIS Neurotec

Zusammen gegen neurologische Krankheiten.

METIS wurde 2021 durch eine Förderung der Hemholtz-Gemeinschaft ins Leben gerufen. Das in Karlsruhe angesiedelte METIS hat das Ziel, Deep Tech auf den Bereich der Demenzbehandlung und der digitalen Gesundheitsversorgung zu transferieren.

METIS Neurotec

Together against neurological diseases.

METIS was called into existence by funding from the Hemholtz Association in 2021.
Located in Karlsruhe, Germany, METIS aims to transfer deep tech to the field of dementia treatment und digital healthcare.

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